Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Brian's Alternative TIK Blog

Brian of Period H is keeping an "Alternative" blog for our TIK course at

Hopefully it's all good stuff, interesting and fun and useful and so on.

Brian thinks the design, colours, etc. of my blog are boring, so he's done something different.

One improvement over my blog is that you can leave comments on Brian's blog.

NOTE: You have to talk to Brian to get the username and password, because logging in is required to enter the blog. (Ask Brian about it, not me.)

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Week of Dec. 11 - Norton 9 and 10. Test next week.

At the beginning of this week, we go over the answers to Lesson 9 (it was assigned for homework over the weekend). Afterwards, we continue on to Lesson 10.

Because Lesson 10 is a very short lesson, which we will finish before the end of the week, we will return to the Turing textbook in the last class this week.

The test will be at the start of next week, so that you have the weekend to study. It will cover lessons 9 and 10 (not Lesson 8).

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