Sunday, November 05, 2006


Report cards (Nov. 15)

You have had a chance to look over the marks for tests and assignments that go into calculating your report card mark, checking for errors and asking questions. This week I will submit the marks.

You will receive your report card in Home Form on November 15.

If you happen to be disappointed by your results, remember that these are very preliminary marks. Because it's so early in the year, you do not have a large number of tests and assignments going into your final average, which means that one atypical mark (unsually low, unusually high) can have an exaggerated effect on your final average. So it's possible this report card will not reflect your achievement as accurately as we'd like. Nevertheless, your parents don't want to wait until February to find out whether you are doing well in the course, so we issue this early report card, despite its shortcomings. (You might want to show this explanation to your parents.)

As you accumulate more tests and assignments, your average will become increasingly accurate. And, if you get better marks in the future, your average will continue to climb. By the next report card you should be satisifed that - whether good or bad - your mark is not misleading.


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